Ramblr Project: Mental Health Uncensored

66. Addiction, Being Honest With Yourself, Knowing What's Best For YOU- Omar Masri

The Ramblr Project Episode 66

Omar comes on and shares why, and how important it was for him to stop smoking weed. Cannabis is something lots indulge in. For lots, it's a way to ease, chill out, and relax. however, for some, it can lead to being a crutch, fuel for anxiety, and a creator of bad habits.
like all addictions, relapse is common and NORMAL. Omar shares the value in those backwards steps in the journey of coming out on top.
The trio later talk about the importance of knowing when a substance may not be beneficial for you anymore, as well as looking inside at yourself and doing what's best for you.

A great episode and worth the listen!

Omar has a blog with us touching on similar topics that can be found here--> https://www.theramblrproject.com/blogs/moment-of-truth